Teas and Poultices

Teas and Poultices

Finding yourself along the trail or arriving in camp with an unexpected ache or pain can be very unpleasant unless you stay on top of the situation and use a little common sense. Usually water, soap, salt, honey, and the right foods will take care of minor complaints. We list below a few herb teas. The wonderful benefit of these teas is that they may be taken at any time, as they have a “toning” effect on the body. So if you invest in a small amount of herbs to take along for specific reasons, and no one gets hurt or sick, you will still have many delicious cups of tea at hand that your system will appreciate. Herbs keep very well – for at least a year, and some of them several years, if packed airtight – and are lightweight to pack in. For general information about herb teas, please see the Beverages section, Herbal Tonic Teas.

cayenne, powdered
chamomile blossoms
chickweed leaves
comfrey, root and leaves
ginger, powdered
ginseng, powdered
golden seal, powdered
juniper berries
parsley leaves
pennyroyal leaves
peppermint leaves
plantain leaves
sage leaves
scullcap leaves and stems
squaw tea (stems)

How to Make a Poultice:
To make a poultice, use either fresh or dried ground herbs. Wash the affected area and apply either fresh herbs which have been bruised or crushed in some way (either between your hands, with a rock, or by chewing them a little), and thereby moistened in their own juices, or dried herbs you have brought along. If the dried herbs are not powdery, try to get them as much so as possible by crushing with the fingertips, rubbing between flat rocks, or pulverizing in a cup with a wooden spoon. Add enough water to make a paste that is not runny, mixing well. Cover with a dressing of a plastic nature to hold the moisture of the herb directly on the affected area for several hours, or as directed below.

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