Serves two • 6 ounces noodles, spinach, sesame, or soy • 1/4 cup dried mushrooms, sliced thin and chopped fine…
Serves two • 1 cup dehydrated spinach • 1 teaspoon onion flakes • 1 teaspoon parsley flakes • 1/8 teaspoon…
Serves two Good winter soup; strong mushroom flavor, thick and creamy. • 1/3 cup dried mushrooms, sliced thin and chopped…
Serves two • 1/2 cup noodles • 1/2 cup freeze-dried navy, pinto, or kidney beans • 1/4 cup tomato powder…
Serves two • 1/2 cup dehydrated potato pieces or 1 unpeeled baked potato, chopped small • 1/2 cup milk powder…
Serves two A flavorful tomato soup, very good with Journey Cakes or garlic bread with a chunk of cheese on…
Serves two • 1/2 cup dehydrated diced potato or 1 raw unpeeled potato chopped very small • 1 teaspoon dill…
Serves two • 2 tablespoons onion flakes • 2 tablespoons whole wheat flour • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1/4 teaspoon…
Serves two A filling creamy soup, and quick-cooking. Very good for rainy-day lunch in the tent. Serve with cheese or…
Serves two A single recipe serves two for lunch or before a main course for supper. Doubled, it serves two…