Food Shortage In case food supply is dangerously low, and you need every bit of nutrition you can find, drink…
Muscle Pain Remember that a “charley-horse” is a muscle spasm. Treat muscle aches by stretching and using muscles, as the…
Infections, Skin (minor) Make a poultice of dried ground plantain or comfrey and warm water, cover infection, and put on…
Cuts and Scrapes Wash well, soak in salt water. Keep clean and free of infection. Apply wheat germ oil or…
Burns (minor) A burn is an open wound, and should be treated as such. Immediately immerse in cold water, and…
Don’t open blisters. If the blister should break open, immediately wash well with soap and water, let dry, apply wheat…
Bleeding from minor cuts, wounds. Wash wound well, with water to which you have added a few drops of liquid…